Sarah Alger | Jack El-Hai | Michael Garval | Elizabeth Goldsmith | Helen King | Adrienne Mayor |Rachel Mesch |Thomas Parker | Lisa Smith | Pamela Toler | Holly Tucker | Juliet Wagner |
SARAH ALGERSarah Alger is the director of the Paul S. Russell, MD Museum of Medical History and Innovation at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is also senior editor of Proto, a Mass General-sponsored magazine that covers new ideas in basic and clinical research, health policy and technology the world over. She tweets as @slodoena. She writes the column Museum Mysteries for Wonders & Marvels. |
ELIZABETH GOLDSMITHElizabeth C. Goldsmith is a writer and scholar of French literature, recently retired from Boston University. She has published books on conversation, letter writing, memoirs, and literary culture in the early modern period. Her most recent title is a biography of two adventurous ladies who inspired wonder and amazement in the public of their day: The Kings’ Mistresses: The Liberated Lives of Marie Mancini, Princess Colonna and Her Sister Hortense, Duchess Mazarin. It has been optioned for film and television by Roving Eye Pictures. Current projects include an anthology of autobiographical accounts of shipwreck and survival written by early women travelers. |
HELEN KINGHelen King enjoys sharing ideas about the history of the body and of medicine, whether that means teaching school students on a ‘Roman Medicine’ themed day, lecturing surrounded by body parts in jars at the Bart’s Pathology Museum, or talking to heart surgeons at the Royal Galleries at Holyroodhouse. Her most recent book is The One-Sex Body on Trial: The Classical and Early Modern Evidence (Ashgate, 2013) and, as part of her commitment to distance learning, she has written a MOOC on ‘Health and Wellness in the Ancient World’. |